紀錄片《造路者ROAD MAKER》為基金會50周年的特別企劃,由金馬獎得獎團隊蔡弦剛執導,拍攝對象從早期參與洪建全基金會發展的重量級藝文界人士,包括簡靜惠、黃春明、林懷民、詹宏志、楊弦、陶曉清等,到近期支持贊助的新生代藝術家,如張碩尹、鄭先喻、黃翊等,透過口述方式重現過去50年歷史,交錯穿插新世代洪裕鈞及張淑征對基金會下一個50年的展望。



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The documentary Road Maker is a special project celebrating the foundation’s 50th anniversary, directed by Tsai Hsuankang, part of the team who won the Golden Horse Best Documentary Award. The film’s interview subjects range from heavyweight cultural figures and artists who participated in the development of the Foundation in its early days, including Celia Hong Chien Chinghui, Huang Chunming, Lin Hwaimin, Jan Hungtze, Kris Yang, Cora Tao and more, through to a newer generation of artists recently supported by the Foundation, such as Chang Tingtong, Cheng Hsienyu and Huang Yi. Through the sharing of stories, the documentary tells the history of the past 50 years, interspersing this with perspectives from members of the Foundation’s next generation, Royce YC Hong and Grace Cheung, who share their vision for the next 50 years of work ahead.

During its two year of filming, the documentary team was able to actively participate in ongoing events at the Foundation. In doing so the team were able to intertwine both old and new memories from different time and space into the film’s narrative. Tracing the personal experiences of those who took part in various collective events, the documentary is able to present multiple aspects of the Foundation’s development over the past five decades.

For the past half century, the Hong Foundation has worked tirelessly to ensure its continuous evolution as a supporter of pioneering ideas and creativity. At first it led the way, phasing out once it had achieved success to allow creators an ecosystem to develop with freedom. In doing so, the Hong Foundation has been able to move forward onto the next road untraveled.

Watch full version on OTT streaming platforms ➡ 公視+MODHami VideoCATCHPLAY+MyVideofriDay影音Line TVGiloo紀實影音