雨棚計畫 ❘ 太認真 Working Hard 「咖啡奇諾 —— 珍貴的東西是多麼的缺席 Café de Chino – How Dear Things Are Absent」
展期 ❘ 2024. 10. 19 - 2024. 12. 21 咖啡時間 ❘ 展間每周四下午3-5點,自助咖啡,限量提供。 地點 ❘ 洪建全基金會(台北市羅斯福路 2 段 9 號 12 樓)/ 11:00-18:00(每週日及國定假期休館) 開幕暨座談 ❘ 10. 18 (五) 7PM

《咖啡奇諾 —— 珍貴的東西是多麼的缺席》以「身」的脈絡為切入點,探索「缺席的身體/身份」,呈現太認真對於在墨西哥逐漸消逝的中國咖啡館的觀察與想像。





​ 臺灣藝術家,郭柏俞、佘文瑛自 2015 年開始以太認真作為雙人共同的創作,近年工作、生活於台灣與歐洲兩地。2024年為法國巴黎西帖國際藝術村駐村藝術家、文化部扶植青年藝術計畫得主。過去曾獲文化部選送文化相關人才出訪計畫進駐德國貝塔寧藝術村。在結合田野踏查與視覺藝術的工作中,他們將藝術作為與當地社群建立對話、講述故事、文化交流與學習的方法。作品曾在台北當代藝術館、高雄市立美術館、嘉義市立美術館、空總C-Lab等藝術機構展出。



​ 臺灣獨立策展人,目前居住在墨西哥城,並經營非營利藝術空間 Vernacular Institute。她的實踐跨越了策展、編輯和電影的界限,以拓展線性敘事之外的可能性。曾策劃展覽發表於Deluge Contemporary Art,加拿大(2021)、ARIEL,哥本哈根,丹麥(2020)、台北當代藝術中心等。





Café de Chino – How Dear Things Are Absent presents Working Hard's observation of the fading of Chinese cafés in Mexico and how their persona and identity are disappearing within society.

Over the past century, these Chinese-operated cafes, established by pioneer immigrants, offered affordable meals to workers and students around the clock. Reaching their peak in the 1950s, these local hubs became deeply ingrained in collective memory as recognisable intercultural dining spaces.

The spatial choreography of the exhibition is structured around the idea of a deconstructed film set, staged as a café, with the passage of time serving as its scripted narrative. In this unmanned scenario of absent hosts and guests, a sense of alienation is orchestrated through the still life arrangement. Conceptualised through themes of memory and resistance, this scenographic composition captures the lingering echoes of forgotten or overlooked diasporas and their histories, creating a mise-en-scène that reflects the chronological tension in weathered memory.



Working Hard is a Taiwanese artist duo by She Wen-Ying and Kuo Po-Yu since 2015, currently living and working between Taiwan and Europe. In 2024, they were in the artist residency at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris and were recipients of the Ministry of Culture’s Young Artists Development Program. They were previously selected for the Ministry of Culture’s Talent Exchange Program, which led them to a residency at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Germany. Combining field research with visual art, their work seeks to engage with local communities through storytelling, cultural exchange, and learning. Their work has been exhibited at institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Chiayi Art Museum, and C-Lab in Taipei.



Jo Ying Peng is a Taiwanese independent curator currently based in Mexico City and runs Vernacular Institute. Her practice ranges across curatorial, editorial, and cinematic boundaries to expand possibilities beyond linear narratives. She has curated exhibitions at SOMA, Berlin (2024), MARCO museum, Monterrey (2023), Deluge Contemporary Art, Vancouver (2021), ARIEL, Copenhagen, Copenhagen (2020), and Taipei Contemporary Art Center, among others.


Courtesy of Artist, photo by Whose Image Studio